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Online Learning

The pandemic period of covid19 familiered the term "Online class". During this pandemic everything had changed so the education system had changed too. Kerala has managed to keep the challenges in online education as the state with best technology access. According to the survey conducted by UNICEF, in India there are lot of students who restricted from regularly pursuing their education while the state Kerala maintained the learning progress of 70 per cent of students as the same or better than the offline classes.      

Online learning has lot of tools such as video's, Pdfs, Podcasts teachers can use all these tools as they plan. The online learning makes teachers efficient as they get all information's from the network so they become sufficient and prepared. In online education students can join the class from any location at any time. In addition online classes can be saved or lectures can be recorded so students can clear all doubts they have in the future by checking the lectures. It has less expense than the offline class as all the study materials and model question papers are available in online. The attendance of online class is comparatively better than offline class. In online learning there is less possibility for absence.

                All students are not in the same level all of them differ in talents and tastes so the innovative method of online learning will attract them to listen the lectures. Some students are visual learners while other some are audio learners so they can change mode of online classes as visual and auditory. As the all teaching methods, online learning has it's positives and negatives. Nowadays the online learning is considered as a necessary resource for schools.

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