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Climate in Kannur

Climate in Kannur
The climate of Kannur district is classified as tropical monsoon climate, with heavy rainfall occurring during the monsoon season from June to September. 

The temperature in Kannur district remains relatively constant throughout the year, with average highs ranging and average lows ranging. The hottest months are April and May, with temperatures sometimes reaching  higher and the coolest months are December and January, with temperatures sometimes dropping. 

The monsoon season in Kannur district is from June to September, with the heaviest rainfall occurring in July and August. The district also experiences occasional thunderstorms and cyclones during the monsoon season. 

The district has a warm and humid climate throughout the year, with a relatively short dry season from December to February. The district's heavy rainfall and warm temperatures make it a favorable location for agriculture, especially for the cultivation of crops such as coconut, rubber, and pepper. 

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