Kerala Info

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Kerala is located on the south western coast of India. The state is bordered by land on three side and by Arabian sea on the west while it shares borders with Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The countless coconut trees and beautiful beaches are lined in the western side of Kerala.

              The state has the total area of 38,863 sq kilometres along with 14 districts and  60 municipalities. The widely opened western side paved the way to establish a connection to foreigners like Romans, Arabs and Chinese. There are 44 rivers in Kerala, even though Kerala is small in size. 41 rivers flow towards the west and the remaining 3 flow towards the east. Besides these main rivers there so many tributaries and brooks. These water sources play an important role in the natural beauty of Kerala. The largest lake is the Vembanadu lake with 260 sq.Km and the largest fresh water lake is the Shastamkotta lake.

                Kerala has a total forest area of 11,125.59 sq.kms along with 12 wild life sanctuaries and 2 national parks. The forest area covers 28.88% of total area. The forest area of the state gives a memorable view of Kerala to the visitors and these forest areas under the government territories. The rivers and forest areas are a reason behind the natural beauty of Kerala as we call it "God's own country".

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